The Secret Power of the Heel

July 23, 2023
IDF soldiers praying morning prayers (
IDF soldiers praying morning prayers (

I still remember a conversation I had about 25 years ago, when I was studying at a yeshiva (Jewish seminary) in Israel. One of my teachers, an American who had served in the Israel Defense Forces, told me the following story. A few months into his training, his platoon was sent on its most difficult hike in basic training. At 3:00 am, one of the officers woke everyone up, with no warning, and told them to get their gear on and get ready to hike.  And so began the longest and most exhausting day of his life ā€“ a punishing all day hike, up and down hills, while carrying their heavy guns and gear in the intense heat. He explained that this was the moment during basic training when you are pushed to the limits of your physical ability; the last bunch of miles, youā€™re running on fumes.

Finally, the day and the hike were over; with tremendous relief, the soldiers stumbled into their tents and sleeping bags, ready to pass out for the night. Like everyone else, my teacher quickly changed into shorts and crawled into his sleeping bag; he was never more relieved to go to sleep! His eyes immediately started close, but then, just as he was about to pass out, a thought burst into his mind, like lightning. ā€œI forgot to say the evening prayers!ā€

Traditional Jews pray three times a day, in the morning, afternoon and evening. At that moment, my teacher said that he experienced one of the greatest internal struggles of his life. Every part of his body screamed ā€œGod will understand ā€“ itā€™s ok ā€“ go to sleep!ā€ But at the same time, a voice inside of him said: ā€œGet up and pray!ā€ Slowly, slowly, he pulled himself out of his sleeping bag, half asleep, and proceeded to pray the fastest, least inspirational prayer of his life, in 4 minutes flat ā€“ and then immediately passed out on top of his sleeping bag. He fell asleep before he could crawl in!

This, my teacher said, was the moment of his IDF service that stood out, more than any other ā€“ a moment heā€™ll carry with him for the rest of his life!

This week, Jews around the world will read the following verses:

In English translation, this verse is straightforward: follow Godā€™s commandments, and God will bless you. But the wording of the verse in the original Hebrew, is actually quite strange. The verse begins: ā€œ×•Ö°×”ÖøיÖøה עֵקֶב ×Ŗּ֓שְׁמְעוּןā€ (v’-ha-YAH AY-kev tish-m’-UN). The word עֵקֶב, which is translated as ‘if’, literally means ‘heel.’ Understood literally, this verse means ā€œAnd it will be, if you will heed these commandments of the heelā€¦ā€

ā€œCommandments of the heelā€? What do Godā€™s commandments have to do with the heel ā€“ the back of our feet? And why are these ā€œcommandments of the heelā€ so essential to receiving Godā€™s blessing?

The heel normally gets very little of our attention, for an important reason ā€“ it is one of the toughest and least sensitive parts of our bodies. When you want to break something thatā€™s very hard, you donā€™t punch it with your hand ā€“ you might break your fingers! And itā€™s never a good idea to kick something heavy with your toes ā€“ youā€™ll break your toe (I know, unfortunately, from experience). The best way to break something is by stomping on it with your heel. The heel is surrounded by callouses that prevent feeling; there are many people who walk all over the world on their heels, barefoot. This is possible because the outer layers of skin on our heels is dead, providing an important buffer to protect our feet.

And so the heel, in Jewish thought, represents a lack of feeling and sensitivity. Though the heel is obviously technically alive, it represents a form of ā€œliving lifelessnessā€ ā€“ a way of living oneā€™s life without energy and passion.

Normally, God-fearing people strive to serve God with passion and excitement. We want to do more than go through the motions of religiosity. And this is certainly the ideal way to serve God. But at the end of the day, what will define us, more than anything, is our ability to serve God with our heels ā€“ when we are under stress, when we feel tired and uninspired, when there is no part of us that feels like doing Godā€™s will. If we are able to drag ourselves out of bed to pray, even when we are deeply exhausted; if we can lend a helping hand to others, even when we are annoyed about it, then we will have succeeded in dedicating ourselves to God in the most powerful way possible ā€“ with our heels!

Rabbi Elie Mischel

Rabbi Elie Mischel is the Director of Education at Israel365. Before making Aliyah in 2021, he served as the Rabbi of Congregation Suburban Torah in Livingston, NJ. He also worked for several years as a corporate attorney at Day Pitney, LLP. Rabbi Mischel received rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva Universityā€™s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. Rabbi Mischel also holds a J.D. from the Cardozo School of Law and an M.A. in Modern Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies. He is also the editor of HaMizrachi Magazine.


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