Sing along in Hebrew to “Tree of Life” performed by Safam.
The lyrics are taken from Proverbs 3:17-18 and Lamentations 5:21.
The video Features photographs of Prayer and Faith in the Land of Israel.
aytz kha-yeem hee
It is a tree of life
la-ma-kha-zee-keem ba
for those who grasp it
v’tom’khey-ha m’ushar
and those who draw near it are fortunate
d’ra-khey-ha dar-khay no-am
Its ways are ways of pleasantness
v’khol n’tee-vo-te-ha shalom
and all its paths are peace
ha’shee-vay-nu adoshem ay-ley-kha v’na-shu-vah
Restore us to You, O Lord, that we may be restored!
kha-daysh ya-may-nu k’kedem
Renew our days as of old