In the Torah portion of Korach (Numbers 16:1–18:32), Korah son of Izhar of the tribe of Levi leads a rebellion of two hundred fifty men against God and Moses. In their initial complaint, Korah and his followers attacked Moses and Aaron for seizing power. It goes without saying that Korah did not accept the possibility that God Himself had chosen Moses and Aaron for their leadership roles.
To refute the claims of the rebels, Moses came up with a public test:
Moses instructed all two hundred fifty men and Aaron to take firepans and to burn incense to God. As soon as they did this, the response from God was swift and severe.
In the aftermath of this dramatic event, having verified His choice of Moses and Aaron for leadership, God proceeded to give Moses a peculiar instruction:
Here, God instructed Moses that the copper firepans used by the 250 rebels were to be made into a copper overlay for the altar. As God explained, this copper overlay would serve as a permanent reminder that any non-priest is forbidden from bringing an incense offering to God. To better understand the meaning behind God’s instruction to Moses, let’s first learn a bit more about the altar the hammered copper firepans would be covering.
There were two altars in the Tabernacle. There was a smaller gold-covered altar inside the sanctuary that was used for the daily incense offering. This altar is referred to as the “incense altar” (see Exodus 30:1). A second much larger altar was in the courtyard, outside the sanctuary. It was upon this altar that portions of the sacrifices and the daily offerings were burnt. It is important to note that it was this larger altar that was to be covered by the copper from the firepans, not the incense altar in the sanctuary.
Why is this altar the appropriate venue for a reminder that no non-priest is allowed to bring incense? To deal with this question we must first understand why the offering of incense was chosen as the appropriate test of the validity of the rebellious group.
In Leviticus 10, Aaron’s two sons, Nadav and Avihu, were killed by God. Their sin was the following:
The incense offering is the most intimate service to God. It is incense that is offered in the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year. Incense was the only offering ever brought into the Holy of Holies, the innermost and most sacred place in the Tabernacle. Nadav and Avihu wanted to approach God in the most intimate way. But they attempted to have intimacy with God that was not requested by God. Instead of the warmth of God’s presence, they were consumed by a deadly fire.
Among the many offerings listed in the Torah, there are offerings that may be brought when a person simply wishes to be close to God, not as atonement for any sin. These are called shelamim – peace offerings. A person who desires closeness with God may bring one of these offerings at almost any time. Incense, unlike a peace offering, is more intimate. And similar to interpersonal relationships, intimacy must be invited. Uninvited intimacy is an offensive violation of the relationship.
Korach and his rebels argued that Aaron and Moses should not have special status. They argued that every person in Israel ought to be equivalent:
They claimed that it is not right that only Aaron is permitted to serve God in the most intimate way. All of Israel ought to be allowed to approach God to serve him equally. Moses’ response was that God chose this arrangement and it is not for us to decide who serves God and in what way. Just because a particular person wants to serve God in a particular way does not suffice to permit the service to be done.
Considering how Nadav and Avihu died, it is clear that Moses chose incense as the test because of this earlier event. The Jewish sages highlight this connection in this Midrashic comment, suggesting Moses’ thinking to illustrate this exact point:
Here you have the service that is beloved over all others – the incense which is the beloved of all offerings – but it is poisonous, for with it Nadav and Avihu were burnt. Therefore, he warned [the rebels], ‘It shall be that the man that God shall choose is the holy one.'(Num 16:7) – Midrash Bamidbar Rabbah 18:8
The deadly lesson was that it is God, and only God, who sets the parameters of our relationship. We dare not violate God’s boundaries when they appear unfair or because we fail to understand them.
As explained earlier, the outer altar – the one that was to be overlaid with the copper from the firepans – stood in the courtyard. It was on this altar that all offerings were burnt. While a non-priest was permitted to enter this courtyard to bring an offering, he was not allowed to ascend the altar. (This altar was very large and had a ramp to carry up the offerings to be burnt.) A non-priest was not allowed to go beyond the courtyard in front of this altar. Beyond this altar was the sanctuary which contained the Menorah, the Table, and the Incense Altar. Beyond the sanctuary was the Holy of Holies which contained the Ark of the Covenant.
It follows that the Menorah, Table, Incense Altar, and Ark were almost never seen by any non-priest. The altar in the courtyard was the point beyond which the non-priest was forbidden to go. He was not even allowed to bring his own offering up the ramp to the top of the altar. For this reason, the outer altar was actually the ideal place for a reminder of the rebellion of Korah.
Any time a non-priest would approach the large altar, he would see the copper overlay. This overlay would remind him of the incident of the rebellion of Korah and the 250 men. He would thus be reminded, lest he question the rules and his own place in the hierarchy, that God alone sets the boundaries.
The message of the copper overlay made from the rebels’ firepans is twofold. First, we are reminded that God ordains different roles for different people. We must humbly accept that we each have our role to play, and we must be careful not to allow our egos to cause us to question God’s choices, as Korah did. Second, the copper overlay reminds us that it is on God’s terms – and not our own – that we worship Him.
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