Demons, Evil Spirits, Witchcraft, and Sorcery

July 17, 2023
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The Milky Way over the Negev desert (

Judaism, like many religious traditions, has a rich tapestry of beliefs and interpretations regarding the supernatural. Within the Jewish tradition, there is a spectrum of views on the existence and nature of demons, evil spirits, witchcraft, and sorcerous practices. In this article, we will explore the biblical sources that touch on these issues and the theological debates among prominent rabbis about them.

Biblical Condemnation of Sorcery and Witchcraft

The Bible, particularly in the Torah, contains several passages that address and condemn sorcery and witchcraft. For instance, Deuteronomy 18:9-12 warns the Israelites against engaging in various forms of divination and sorcery, asserting that these practices are detestable to God. Leviticus 18:3 echoes this sentiment by advising the Israelites not to follow the customs and practices of the nations that they are to dispossess, which included various forms of sorcery.

Additionally, the Bible condemns sacrifices to demons, as found in Leviticus 17:7 and Deuteronomy 32:17. These passages warn against the dangers of idolatry and associating with supernatural entities other than the God of Israel.

The Great Rabbinic Debate: Maimonides vs. Nachmanides

Central to the Jewish understanding of demons and sorcery is the debate among rabbinic scholars. Two of the most influential figures in this discussion are Rambam (Maimonides) and Ramban (Nachmanides).

Maimonides: Denial of the Supernatural

Maimonides, one of the preeminent Jewish philosophers and Torah scholars, categorically denied the existence of demons, evil spirits, and sorcerous practices. He posited that such beliefs were fabrications, created to control and deceive the masses. According to Maimonides, tales of harnessing supernatural forces through plants or celestial bodies were inventions aimed at exploiting people for monetary gain and allegiance. Maimonides was particularly concerned that these fraudulent practices led people away from true faith in God.

Nachmanides: Affirmation of the Supernatural

Contrary to Maimonides, Nachmanides, another towering figure in Jewish scholarship, asserted that sorcery and supernatural entities were real. He believed that individuals could harness impure forces to accomplish feats beyond the natural order of the world. According to Nachmanides, the various forms of witchcraft that are prohibited in the Bible are indicative of the methods used to engage with these malevolent forces.

Sorcery and Witchcraft as Forms of Idol Worship

An essential perspective to consider within the Jewish tradition is the categorization of sorcery and witchcraft as forms of idol worship. Idol worship, in the context of the Bible, refers to the act of revering or deifying entities other than the God of Israel. Since sorcery and witchcraft often involve invoking powers or spirits believed to be outside the domain of the divine, they are regarded as idolatrous practices.

According to Jewish tradition, idol worship is one of the gravest sins, as it goes against the fundamental principle of monotheism, which holds that there is only one God. By engaging in sorcery or witchcraft, an individual is perceived to be seeking intervention or assistance from forces other than God. This undermines the very foundation of Jewish faith and is seen as an affront to the relationship between God and His people.

Consequently, the prohibitions against sorcery and witchcraft in the Bible can be understood not only as warnings against practices considered detestable but also as part of a broader admonition against idolatry. This view is reinforced by the fact that the Bible often mentions sorcery and witchcraft alongside other forms of idolatrous practices. Thus, in the Jewish tradition, adhering to monotheism and refraining from idol worship, including sorcery and witchcraft, is paramount to maintaining a righteous and faithful relationship with God.

A United Stance Against Practicing Sorcery

Regardless of the differences in belief about the existence of demons, evil spirits, and sorcery, both Maimonides and Nachmanides, along with the broader spectrum of rabbinic authorities, agree on one fundamental point: these practices are strictly prohibited by the Bible. Whether one views them as illusions or as real entities and powers, engaging in witchcraft, sorcery, or any form of malevolent supernatural practice is considered contrary to the teachings and commandments of the Jewish faith.


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