Passover Seder Melodies

By: Cantor Jack Chomsky
March 16, 2021

The Passover Seder is a ritual meal celebrated by Jews on the first night (or first two nights) of Passover, commemorating the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. It involves reading the Haggadah, which recounts the story of the Exodus, and includes various symbolic foods and rituals. Key elements include matzah (unleavened bread), maror (bitter herbs), and the recitation of the Four Questions by the youngest participant. The Seder emphasizes themes of freedom, remembrance, and gratitude, fostering a connection to Jewish heritage and history.

Israel365 presents traditional Hebrew melodies for the Seder Classics by Cantor Jack Chomsky. The fifteen steps are Kadesh, Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz, Maggid, Rachtza, Motzi, Matzah, Maror, Korech, Shulchan Orech, Tzafun, Barech, Hallel, Nirtzah.

Introduction to the Passover Seder


Halachma Anya / Bread of Affliction

Ma Nishtana

Avadim Hayinu / We Were Once Slaves

V’hee She’amda


Hallel Songs

Birkat Hamazon / Grace After Meals

Adir Hu

Who Knows One? Echad Mi Yodaya

Seder Melodies 12: Chad Gadya / One Little Goat

Cantor Jack Chomsky


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