People of The Bible






Meaning of the Name Miriam

ā€˜Bitter seaā€™, related to the experience of slavery in Egypt.

Attributes of Miriam

Bravery, leadership, modesty, achieving great spiritual heights, closeness to God, positive determination.

Where is Miriam in the Bible

Exodus 2:4; Numbers 20:1

What did Miriam do in the Bible

Miriam stood on the side to watch after her baby brother Moses was put in a basket and placed in the River Nile (Exodus 2:4), and she led the women in song and dance after the splitting of the Reed Sea (Exodus 15:20-21). The miraculous well that provided the Israelites with water during their forty year sojourn in the desert was provided in Miriamā€™s merit. According to the sages, Miriam was the midwife Puah who disobeyed Pharaohā€™s command to kill the Jewish male babies as they were born.

What does the Bible say about Miriam


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